Saturday, March 10, 2007

Walking in Form Informed by the Formless

After extensive, determined mind-training, desiring to see only what is beyond form, we finally take to heart Jesus’ teaching in His unworldly masterpiece, A Course in Miracles, that what we see in worldly form is just an illusion.

We learn to trust that seeing something in form does not make it Real.

It is quite possible to rest in this state of mind of the peace of God, while we walk in form, trusting that the only thing Real is this state of mind.

This is what it means to say,

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
(Title, Lesson 201)

As God’s creation, this state is still, peaceful, joyous, loving, truthful, and free of form, formless.

This is our home.

I like the way Juliet Binoche, the great French actress, expressed this in the vernacular today in an interview in a newspaper. "As a child I moved from place to place, and I had to find my home inside myself. When I bring my home wherever I go, I am at home wherever I am."

Slipping into this still state, silent, because the raucous shrieks of the ego have disappeared, we are receptive to hear the Voice for God, speaking to us all through the day.

Now, in this moment, it is quite possible to be still a moment and walk through the illusion, just doing the next thing, feeling totally at home, walking in form informed by the formless.

When you are still an instant, when the world
recedes from you, when valueless ideas
cease to have value in your restless mind,
then will you hear His Voice. So poignantly
He calls to you that you will not resist
Him longer. In that instant He will take
you to His home, and you will stay with Him
in perfect stillness, silent and at peace,
beyond all words, untouched by fear and doubt,
sublimely certain that you are at home.
(Lesson 182, paragraph 8)

Please click on the link below to hear Doug Christlieb play the piano and sing his own composition, I will be still an instant and go home.

Click Here for song

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