Saturday, June 13, 2020


It is early morning, and I am sitting on our couch in the Sun Room, aptly named because of the five large windows and two doors, sipping coffee and reading the Lesson.  It is the beginning of the reading of several spiritual texts, and sitting quietly.
My mind is fairly free of wandering thoughts.
Complete abstraction is the natural condition of the mind.  (Lesson 161, Give me your blessing, holy Son of God)
And yet, as the day goes on, I find my mind wandering with thoughts just pouring through my mind as I perceive them passing by like clouds.

Perception is a mirror, not a fact. (Lesson 304, Let not my world obscure the sight of Christ)

I sum it up in this way:

I have given everything I see in this neutral world all the meaning it has for me, seeing either the projections of my false self, or the reflections of my True Self.

When I realize that I am seeing falsely, I stop and focus on my breathing.  I consciously breathe in, tilting my head back, then stop my breath for a moment, and breathe out, tilting my head forward.
By focusing on my breathing in this manner, no thoughts come into my mind.

Usually, as I tilt my head back, I say to myself, “I,” and as I tilt my head forward, I say, “AM.”

And now I AM receptive to hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit.

Lesson 49, God’s Voice speaks to me all through the day.

Of course, as the day goes on, I will, unconsciously, fall victim to these thoughts that have no source in reality, and when this happens, I tense up.  This awareness inspired these two lines of blank verse:

I AM embracing the light while asking
for help to unbrace my “en garde” shoulders.

Lesson 162, I AM as God created me.
And, now, I AM sitting on our patio, simply present, taking in the sights and sounds:

The birds flying to and from the four bird feeders,
the flowers and green plants and the leaves on the trees bobbing in the breeze,
the white clouds floating in the blue sky,
the squirrels chasing each other around the tree,
the hummingbirds darting to and fro from their red feeders,
and all the time, the birds are singing,
and the doves are cooing.

I breathe in, and I breathe out, all is well, I AM.

And then, synchronistically, after writing my article, I read a piece channeling Jesus, and these two passages from “You incarnated solely to live lovingly”, Jesus through John Smallman, June 7, 2020, sent out a wonderful echo:

“By fully opening to and embracing Love, your true and eternal nature, you allow It to dissolve your fear as the realization dawns on you that truly there is nothing to fear.  If you doubt this, remember what those who have had near death experiences (NDEs) have shared in books and interviews: that there is no death, that they have fully experienced knowing the truth of this, and that as a result of their experience they have lost all fear of death.  By opening fully to and embracing Love you too will come to the personal realization that there is nothing to fear, because you will know that there is only Love.”

“To arrive at this realization daily meditation must be practiced by relaxing into your holy inner sanctuaries, as you let arising thoughts just flow through your mind without engaging with them.  It does take practice, relaxed practice, where you let go of all judgments about your competence or ability – egotistical thoughts arising – that distract you from being at One with Yourself.  When you let go of self-assessment and self-judgment, and accept yourself just as you are, peace will arise within you as you enjoy the moment: ‘smelling the rose,’ ‘watching the sunshine playing on the water,’ ‘hearing the bird song,’ ‘listening to the breeze rustling the tree leaves.’  Truly all is well.”

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