The first man on my
path is an old man. And you cannot imagine how happy this makes
I do not know if there is a
greater blessing than to encounter a true old person, that is, one who is
joyous. It is a blessing which is rarely given to us, because for most, alas, age is nothing but the blank and degrading
addition of physical years. But when an old person is joyous, he is so
strong that he no longer needs to speak; he comes and he heals. The one who
fills my memory is like this. His name is Jeremy Regard.
It is not I who would
give him this name. It was his. How many novelists would like to have invented
I would like to be very
modest, you know, in describing him, because he was so great and yet seemed so little. He made such a brief
passage through my life—only a few weeks—that
I can no longer remember his body. I vaguely perceive a man who is vigorous, straight, thickset. Yes, a small man,
according to physical measurements. As for
his face, I can't see it. I think that I never asked myself any questions about
his face even then. I saw another
which was much more real.
I met him in January 1944, in
the midst of the war, in Germany, when I was in a
camp at age nineteen. He was one of the six thousand French who arrived in Buchenwald between the 22nd and 26th
of January. But he was unlike any other.
Here I must stop for a
moment, because I have written the word "Buchenwald." I will often be writing of it. But do not expect a
picture of the horrors of the deportation. These horrors were real, and
they are not pleasant to talk about. To have the right to speak about them, it would be necessary to be a
healer—and not just of the body. I will content myself then with the indispensable, the basic scenario.
Sometimes I will even
speak of the deportation in a manner which is scandalous for some. I mean paradoxical: I will say in what it was
good, I will show what riches it contained.
If I comeback to it
sometimes, it is because it stands at the very entrance of my life, an attic bursting with pains and joys, with questions and
Jeremy did not speak
of the concentration camps either, even when he was there. He did not have his
gaze nailed to the smoke from the crematorium, nor on the twelve hundred
terrified prisoners of Block
57. He was looking through.
first I didn't know who he was—people spoke to me of "Socrates."
neighbors, who were very numerous, pronounced this name which was utterly unexpected
in the swarming fear and cold in which we tossed. "Socrates said...,"
laughed....," Socrates was over there, a little further, on the other side of this crowd of closely shaven men. I did not understand why
all these people called one person out of everyone Socrates. But I wished to meet
Finally one day I
saw him—that is, I must have seen him, for to tell the truth, I have no memory of the first meeting.
I know only that I
was expecting an eloquent prisoner, a clever metaphysician, some sort of triumphant moral philosopher. That is not at all
what I found.
He was a simple
welder from a small village at the foot of the Jura mountains. He had come to Buchenwald for reasons which had so little to do
with the essential that I never knew them or asked
about them.
His name was not
Socrates, as you already know, but Jeremy, and I didn't understand why this name wasn't enough for his companions.
Jeremy's tale was
that of a welder from a particular part of the world, a village in France. He loved to tell it with broad smiles. He told it very
simply, as any tradesman talks about his trade.
And here and there one could just barely glimpse a second forge standing there, a forge of the spirit.
Yes, I said
"spiritual." However, the word has been spoiled by overuse. But this
time it is true and full.
I heard Jeremy
speak of men who did not come to his shop just for their horse and their wagons but for themselves. They came so as to go home
all steeled and new, to take home a little of
the life they were lacking and which they found overflowing, shining, and gentle at the forge of father Jeremy.
At this time I was
a student. I had hardly ever experienced such men, they do not fill the universities. I thought that when a man possessed wisdom,
he immediately said it, and said how and why
and according to which affiliation of thought. Especially, I thought that in order to be wise, it was necessary to think, and
to think rigorously.
I stood with my
mouth open before Jeremy because he didn't think. He told stories, almost
always the same, he shook your shoulders, he seemed to be addressing invisible beings. through you. He always had
his nose smack in the obvious, the close at hand. If he spoke about
the happiness of a neighbor upon leaving his shop, it was as if
he spoke about a wart, a bump, which-lad just been removed. He observed things of the spirit with his eyes, as doctors observe microbes
through their microscopes.. He made
no distinction. And the more I saw him do this, the more the weight of the air diminished for me.

It was not curiosity which moved me toward him. I needed him as a man who is dying of thirst
needs water. Like all important things, this
was elemental.
I see Jeremy
walking through our barracks. A space formed itself among us. He stopped
somewhere and, all at once, men pressed in tighter, yet still leaving him a
little place in their midst. This was a
completely instinctive movement which one cannot explain simply by respect. We drew back rather as one steps back to
leave a place for one who is working.
You must picture
that we were more than a thousand men in this barracks, a thousand where four
hundred would have been uncomfortable. Imagine that we were all afraid, profoundly and immediately. Do not think of us as
individuals, but as a protoplasmic mass.
In fact, we were glued to one another. The only movements we made were pushing, clutching, pulling apart, twisting. Now you will
better understand the marvel (so as not to say
"miracle") of this small distance, this circle of space with which
Jeremy remained surrounded.
He was not frightening, he was not austere, he was not
even eloquent. But he was there, and that was
tangible. You felt it as you feel a hand on the shoulder, a hand which summons, which brings you back to yourself when you
were about to disappear.
Each time he
appeared, the air became breathable: I got a breath of life smack in the, face. This was perhaps not a miracle, but it was at least
a very great act, and one of which he alone was
capable. Jeremy’s walk across the quad was that: a breathing. In my memory I can follow distinctly the path of light and clarity which he
made through the crowd.
I didn't understand
then who he was, but certainly I saw him. And this image began to work inside me until the moment it lit up like a torch. I
didn't know who he was because he didn't say.
He had a story
which he came back to often: it belonged, he belonged to the-Christian Scientist sect. He had even been to America once to meet
his fellow Christian Scientists. This adventure, quite out of
the ordinary for a welder from the Jura, intrigued but did not enlighten me. It gave another
layer of mystery to his character. That was all. Jeremy, without stories, mattered.
Is it necessary to apologize for using
so many images which are linked to simple acts: to eating, to breathing? If I
were tempted to do so, Jeremy would prohibit me. He knew too well that one does not
live on ides.

I knew there were men who died because people had killed
them. For them there was nothing left to do
but pray. But I also knew many who died very quickly, like flies, because they
thought they were in hell. It was of such matters that Jeremy spoke.
It was necessary for
there to be a man as simple, as clear, who had gone to the depths of reality, in order to see the fire and beyond the fire.
More than hope was needed.
It was
necessary to see.
The good man Jeremy saw. There was a spectacle before his eyes, but it
was not the one we saw. It was not our Buchenwald,
that of the victims. It was not- a prison, that is that is to say, a place of hunger, blows, death, protest,
where other men, “the evil” ones, had committed the crime of putting us. For him, there were
not us, the innocents, and the other,
the big anonymous Other with the tormenting voice and the whip—"the
How did I know? You have the right to ask; after all,
Jeremy said almost nothing about such
things. Well, without a doubt, there exist in certain beings, as there existed
in him, a rightness and
wholeness so perfect their way of seeing
communicates itself, is given to-you; for, at least, an instant.
And the silence then is truer, more exact, than any word.
When Jeremy came to us across Block 57, in the midst of
his little halo of space, it was clarity
which he gave to us. It was an overflowing of vision, a new vision. And that is
why we all made way for him.
Above all, do not
imagine that Jeremy consoled us. At the point we had reached, any consolation would have been mere romance, a taunting
nursery story. We were not in the land of Cockaigne,
and if we had been crazy enough to think so for one second, waking up afterward would have been bitter indeed. Jeremy
spoke hard. But he did so gently.
There was no trace of
glibness about him. He had a mellow voice, precise and deliberate
gestures, but this was the habit of his craft a natural tranquility. He was a good fellow, I'm telling you, not a prophet.
Jeremy was so little
a prophet, he created so little uproar, that I don't know how many, among the dozen men who survived those days of Winter 1944
in Barrack 57, remember him today. I would so much like not to be the only one.
One didn't notice
anything special about Jeremy, no sign. He carried the banner of no faith, except from time to time that of Christian
Science. But at this time, for me, and for the
other Frenchmen around me, this word had only a bizarre resonance.

A man who did not dream: that was more important than
anything. The rest of us were dreamers: we
dreamed of women, of children, of houses, often the gory miseries of other times which we had the weakness call
"liberty." We weren't at Buchenwald. We didn’t want anything to do
with Buchenwald. And each time we came back, it was still there, and hurt just
the same.
Jeremy was not
disappointed. Why would he have dreamed? When
we saw him coming with his immense serenity, we felt like shouting,
"Close your eyes! What one sees here
burns!" But the shout remained in our throats because from all the
evidence, his eyes were solidly fixed on all our
miseries and did not blink. Even more, he did not seem like someone who takes a great burden upon himself, the air of a
hero. He was not afraid, and that
just as naturally as we were afraid.
"For one who
knows how to see, things are just as they always are," he said. At first I
did not understand. I even felt something
quite close to indignation. What? Buchenwald
like ordinary life? Impossible! All of these crazed, hideous men, the howling menace of death, these enemies everywhere, among
the SS, among the prisoners
themselves, this wedge of hill pushed up against the sky, thick with smoke, with its seven circles, and over there across the forest,
the electric fences, all of this was just
as usual! I remember that I could not accept this. It had to be worse--or if
not—then more beautiful. Until finally
Jeremy enabled me to see.
It was not a
revelation, a flashing discovery of the truth. I don't think there was even an exchange of words. But one day it became obvious, palpable
to me in the flesh, that Jeremy, the welder,
had lent me his eyes.
With those eyes, I saw that Buchenwald was not unique,
not even privileged to be one of the places of
greatest human suffering. I also saw that our camp was not in Germany as we thought, in the heart of the Thuringee, dominating
the plain of Lena, in this precise place
and in no other. Jeremy taught me, with his eye, that Buchenwald was in each one
of us, baked and re-baked tended incessantly, nurtured in a horrible way. And
that consequently we could vanquish it, if we
desired to with enough force.
always," Jeremy explained to himself sometimes. He had always seen people
living in fear and in the
most invincible of all fears: that which has no object. He had seen them all desire secretly and above all else one thing: to
do harm to themselves. It was always, it was
here, the same spectacle. Simply, the conditions had finally been completely fulfilled. The war, Nazism, the political and
national follies had created a masterpiece, a
perfect sickness and misery: a concentration camp.

He said that in ordinary life, with good
eyes, we would have seen the same horrors. We had
managed to be happy before. Well! The Nazis had given us a terrible microscope:
the camp. This was not a reason to stop living.
Jeremy was an
example: he found joy in the midst of Block 57. He found it during moments of the day where we found only fear. And he found
it in such great abundance that when
he was present we felt it rise in us. Inexplicable sensation, incredible even, there where we were: joy was going to
fill us.
Imagine this gift
which Jeremy gave us! We did not understand, but we thanked him, time and again.
What joy? Here are
explanations, but they are feeble: the joy of being alive in this moment, in the next, each time we became aware of it.
The joy of feeling the lives of others, of some
others at least, against us, in the dark of night. What do I know? Isn't that enough for you?
It was
much more than enough for us. It was a pardon, a reprieve, there, all of a sudden, just a few feet from hell. I knew this state
through Jeremy. Others knew it also, I am
The joy of
discovering that joy exists, that it is in us, just exactly as life is, without
conditions and which no condition, even the
worst, can kill.
All of this, you will say, came from Jeremy because he
was lucid. I didn't say that he was lucid—this
quality belongs to intelligence and, in the world of intelligence, Jeremy was not at home. I said that he saw. I have spoken of him
as a living prayer.
Subtle people will
pretend that the faith of Jeremy was without nuances. Who cares! For him, and for us through him, the world was saved in
each second. This benediction had no end. And,
when it ceased, it was that we had ceased wanting it, that we—and not it—had ceased being joyful.
These are not great
words. And if nonetheless you have that impression, then it is that I am clumsy. Jeremy was an ordinary man. Ordinary and
supernatural, that's it.
One could very well live next to him for weeks and not
see him, and speak only of "an old guy
not like the others." He was not a spectacle in the manner of heroes or
street hawkers.
What was supernatural
in him, from all evidence, didn't belong to him; it was meant to be shared. The spectacle, if it existed, was for us to
find and to find within ourselves. I have
the clearest memory of finding it. I perceived, one day like the others, a
little place where I did not
shiver, where I had no shame, where the death-dealers were only

I have carried this
man in my memories as one carries an imag e with one because it has been
And now, how has he disappeared? I
hardly know. Without a sound, in any case, just as he
day, someone told me that he had died. This must have been several weeks after our
arrival in the camp.
Men went like this there. One almost never knew how. They
disappeared in too great numbers all at
once; no one had either the time or the inclination to look into the details, the "how" of their death. We let them melt
into the mass. There was a solid ground of death
in which we all participated more or less, we who were alive. The death of
others was so much our
own affair that we didn't have the courage to look it in the face.
I do not remember the "how" of Jeremy's
departure. I remember only that he came to see me, several days
earlier, and told me that it was the last time. Not at all in the way one announced an unhappy event, not so solemnly.
Simply—this was the last time, and since
it was thus he had come to tell me.
I don't think this
caused me pain. It must not have been painful. Indeed it was not, because
it was real and known.
He had been of
service. He had the right to leave this world which he had completely lived.
I am well aware
that people will say to me, "What do you see of the supernatural in your welder? He gave you an example of serenity, at a time
when serenity was very difficult to
attain. That's good, but that's all. This peace of Jeremy was the result of courage
and a strong constitution."
Well, no! We will not have
done with Jeremy for that price.
What I call the
supernatural in him was the break with habits which he had completely realized. Those habits of judgment which make us call
any adversity "unhappiness" or "evil,"
those of greed which make us hate, desire vengeance, or simply complain—a minor
but incontestable form of hatred—those of our dizzying egocentricity which make
us think that we are innocent each time we
suffer. He had escaped from the network of compulsive reflexes, and it was this necessary movement which neither
good health—po even perfect health, if such exists—can explain.
He had touched the
very depth of himself and liberated the supernatural or, if this word 'bothers you, the essential, that which does not depend
on any circumstance, which can
exist in all places and in any
time, in pain as in pleasure. He had encountered the very source of life. If I have used the
word "supernatural," it is because the act of Jeremy sums up to me the religious act
itself: the discovery that God is there, in each person, to the same degree, completely in each
moment, and that a return can be made toward Him.

This was the good news which Jeremy
told, in his turn, and in his very humble manner. We would all gain a lot by putting
memory in quarantine.
petty memory, at least, the stingy, encumbering memory which makes us believe
in this unreality, this myth: the past.
It is this which
suddenly brings back—without a shadow of reason—a person, or the shred of an
event which then installs itself in us. The image throws itself on the screen of consciousness; it swells, soon there is nothing else
but it. The mind's circulation stops. The present
disperses. The moments which follow no longer have the force to carry us. They no longer have any flavor. In short, this
memory secretes melancholy, regret, all manner
of inner complication.
there is the other memory. For me, it is the one to which Jeremy belongs.
This man haunts
me, I confess. But he does not haunt me in the manner of the memory. Simply, he has entered into my flesh, he
nourishes me, he works to make me live.
I spend very little time thinking about him: one could say it is he who thinks
of me.
speak to you of him, I have had to allude to Buchenwald. But do not be misled. Jeremy was never "at Buchenwald." I
encountered him there in the flesh and blood. He wore a registration number. Others beside myself knew
him. But he was not there in the particular,
exclusive, individual manner in which we hear the phrase "to have been at Buchenwald."
This adventure of
the camp was for him only an adventure: it did not concern him in a fundamental way.
are people whom I remember only in letting the "little memory' function in
me. These people, if I encounter them
there, remain there. Jeremy, when he speaks to me, does not do so from out of my past, but from the depths
of my present, there, right in the center.
I cannot move him.
They are all this
way, the people who have taught us something. Because this something, this knowledge, this increase of presence
life, they give to us only because they clearly know that they are not the
owners. Imagine Jeremy
happy as it happens to others to be happy: for personal reasons, due to a history different from that of others, precious and
subtle. Do you think that he would still be in my life?
He would have rejoined
those picturesque characters, passing figures. But Jeremy was not happy: he was
joyous. The good which he enjoyed was not his. Or rather, it was—but by participation. It was just as much ours.
This is the mystery
and power of those beings who serve something other than their own
provisional personalities: one cannot escape them.
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