Sunday, July 19, 2015

Tapping into the FP, the field of potential,” with our Thoughts.

I am rather enjoying Pam Grout’s book, “E Squared:  Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.”  She makes it clear that there is an invisible energy field that flows through the universe, influencing the physical realm.  She calls it the FP, the field of potential.  She makes it clear that we can tap into the FP and transform this energy by using our thoughts. Every thought we have is an energy wave that affects everything else in the universe.  

And from her book:

Dr. Fred Alan Wolf says it boils down to this:  The universe doesn’t exist without a perceiver of that universe.  A Couse in Miracles is a self-study program in spiritual psychology that I’ve been practicing and teaching for 25 year; it, has always advocated the idea that consciousness creates the material world. It says we humans decide in advance how we’re going to experience life, that we choose beforehand what we want to see.

Pam Grout continues:

 The Dude Abides Principle:  There is an invisible energy force or field of infinite possibilities.

Every thought we have impacts the field of potentiality.  In fact, what we see is nothing but waves of possibility that we observed into form.  This principle states that you impact the field and draw from it according to your beliefs and expectations.

She tells the story that convinced her of this truth—the “nail miracle:”

For years, I placed a calendar beside my bed, plucking it down from time to time to jot down important events.  One night, I grabbed the calendar a bit too eagerly and pulled out the small nail that secured it to the wall.  I looked all over for it to no avail. I gave up and decided I would just send out an intention for it to show up.  The next morning when I woke up, the nail was in my hand nestled between my thumb and forefinger.

Most people associate the word abacadbra with magicians pulling rabbits out of hats.  It’s actually an Aramaic term that translates into English as, “I will create as I speak.”

She employs the scientific method to demonstrate this, encouraging us to do experiments.

So, I decided to try Experiment 1:  This is what I want to pull out of the field in the next 48 hours: 

 I want to see orange cars.

Well, Christine and I were driving to Michigan when I began seeing them everywhere—obviously, on the highway, in mall parking lots, in driveways, on the street, parked, and what really knocked me out was, after being gone for over three weeks, we drove into our driveway, and I looked across the street,  and our neighbor had acquired in our absence, a new , shiny ORAANGE car.

And here is the incident that inspires me the most.

While we were in Michigan, I went into my hometown of Three Rivers, particularly, to go to a store on Main Street that featured only sunglasses.  Actually, I had gone to that store several times, and each time it was closed.  I tried it once again, it was closed, and I turned away, muttering to myself, “Damn it,” and just then I looked across the street and saw a new, beautiful ORANGE car.  I actually walked across the street and patted it on the fender.  Then, I looked at its license plate, and it said:  URTOWN.
Now, that meant two things to me:  

1) I was experiencing the results of my projection, “Damn it,” making up my world, “my” town, and 2) it was, indeed, the town I grew up in.

Pam Grout:

To change the world is a simple matter of changing our thoughts.  To bring something into the physical world requires focusing not on what we see, but on what we want to see.

Doreen Virtue says in her book, “Healing with the Angels:  How the Angels can Assist you in Every Aspect of your Life:”

Angels sometimes communicate with us by using license plates.  In this way, the angels will actually give us detailed messages.

*     *     *

Yesterday afternoon, I was sitting on our Patio, enjoying the warm, sunny July day, and a  little bunny rabbit came to eat the black sunflower seeds on the ground underneath the bird feeder about 8 feet away from where I was sitting.  Uncharacteristically, I looked at him full on, and because of macular degeneration, he completely disappeared.  Usually, I l look at an object at 3 o’clock, or 9 o’clock, and my peripheral vision brings it into focus.
For a moment, I had this fear thought, “What will it be like in 10 years?”  At that very moment, the little bunny rabbit hopped over and sat right in front of me, twitching its nose, and looking at me. I kept saying, softly, “Hi, little bunny rabbit.”  After a couple of minutes, he turned and hopped back to his seeds.
 I felt comforted and safe, realizing that the FP, the field of potential,” was manifesting, willing to enter in at any moment, attracted by my thoughts, winking at me, saying, “You’re going to  be just fine.”

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