Monday, November 23, 2015

Billy Fingers Ecourages us to Seek Peace During thesse Difficult Times

Following this passage from the Course, is an inspiring letter from Annie Kagan, Billy Fingers’ sister.

But what of those whose dedication is not to live;
the black-draped 'sinners',
the ego's mournful chorus,
plodding so heavily away from life,
dragging their chains and marching in the slow procession that honors their grim master,
lord of death?
Touch any one of them with the gentle hands of forgiveness,
and watch the chains fall away,
along with yours.
See him throw aside the black robe he was wearing to his funeral,
and hear him laugh at death.
The sentence sin would lay upon him he can escape through your forgiveness.
This is no arrogance.
It is the Will of God.
 What is impossible to you who chose His Will as yours?
What is death to you?
Your dedication is not to death,
nor to its master.
When you accepted the Holy Spirit's purpose in place of the ego's you renounced death,
exchanging it for life.
We know that an idea leaves not its source.
And death is the result of the thought we call the ego,
as surely as life is the result of the Thought of God. (T-19.lV.C.2)

Dear Ray Comeau,

I've been stressed out lately. The news is daunting; terror attacks, families fleeing war torn countries, the environmental mess.

In my book, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved To Me There's Life After Death, my brother Billy teaches how to better navigate life on planet Earth. Amazingly, Billy began sharing this wisdom with me a few weeks after he died. Two years of our conversations are recorded in our book.

One thing Billy says is;
People spend lots of time on things that make them unhappy. To cultivate joy, pay attention to what you like.

So, with all the disturbance happening on Earth, I made a list of things Billy says can soothe the soul.

The light, colors, scents and sounds of the natural world bring pleasure to and heal the senses. Walking in the forest, planting a garden, or simply feeling the warmth of the sun on your face, help you tune to the miracle of creation.

Many spiritual paths promote the concept of gratitude. Saying "thank you" may be simpler than trying to feel grateful. Saying thank you to all the things that please you, silently or out loud, helps you notice the grace in your life. Thank you is an easy step down the road toward gratitude.

Take time every day to admire something of beauty. Beauty is evocative; it awakens something deep inside and transcends the noise and static of the world. Beauty reminds you of the awe at the heart of life itself.

Singing, dancing and listening to music connects you to the special pleasure of being alive. Have favorite songs on standby to enhance your mood or change it. Some music could be bright and upbeat, some slow and melancholy, some designed for healing. Melody and rhythm turn the ordinary into the magical.

A change in perspective is powerful. According to Quantum physics, the way you see things can actually change them. If something upsets or frightens you, look for what you like about it. When it comes to people, focus on their deep voice, their sparkling eyes, their quick smile, their unique wit. When someone senses positivity coming their way, they may respond in kind.

Joy comes from doing what we love simply for the pleasure of it. Keep a journal, learn to surf, sing in a choir, bake bread, plant a garden, feed the birds. Everything you do doesn't have to lead to an outcome. The doing can be its own reward.
                                                                                                             © 2015 annie kagan 

With Love
Your friends
Billy Fingers
Annie Kagan 

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